A GPS can help us get to someplace we have never been before or to get somewhere more efficiently. Find out how a brain map for neurotherapy is similar to a GPS!
Once you complete the initial four stages of the neurofeedback therapy process, we move to the actual neurofeedback therapy sessions. Find out more about it!
The qEEG or brain map is a vital diagnostic tool for the neurofeedback therapist. Without it, the therapist and the patient must employ a “best guess” process. Here are 4 things to know about brain mapping.
Every new patient at the Brain Health Clinic follows a five step therapy process to ensure best outcomes. Our goal is your improved brain health and wellness with neurofeedback therapy. Find out more about these 5 steps in this article.
Perhaps you have wondered, what is qEEG brain mapping? Is it really effective? Why should you get one? How does it help your therapist to provide better therapy? Our therapists provide the answers.
Brain mapping measures the brain’s electrical state in response to stimuli and can be used as an effective record of “before” and “after.” Neurotherapy can thus be guided and improved by the use of brain mapping.