Memory loss is a concern of many people as they get older. When is evidence of memory loss a matter of concern, and when is it just a fact of life? Can neurofeedback help with memory problems?
The symptoms left by traumatic brain injuries are significantly improved by training the brain to return to its former functioning. Neurofeedback accomplishes this and can now be used at home via remote neurofeedback.
Anxiety prevents many people from making full use of the opportunities in their life. Neurofeedback can train the brain to avoid anxiety altogether.
This article presents the results of a study that investigated whether neurofeedback could help people fall asleep. The results are promising!
Fears over risks inherent in concussions caused the NFL to recently alter its policy regarding players with head injuries. What is this change? And how can the Brain Health Clinic help you if you have suffered a concussion? Find out here.
Sadness is a normal part of life, but depression is a debilitating condition that requires treatment. How can you tell the difference between the two?
The holidays are meant to be a happy time for family get-togethers. For many, these social events are unfortunately a trigger for past traumas. How can you deal with it?
Researchers have identified a connection between untreated depression and increased risk of developing dementia. Find out how you can protect yourself!
Vacations, travel, and minor illness do not have to keep you from receiving therapy for your mental health and wellness. Find out more about telehealth.