Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is unfortunately a common problem in both military and civilian populations. One study calls it the “signature wound” for veterans of deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. It also leads to 280,000 hospitalizations and over 2 million ER visits per year. Symptoms vary in severity, but include headaches, tiredness, memory problems, attention deficits, and mood swings. The end result is a significant decrease in the patient’s quality of life.
Fortunately, neurofeedback is recognized as a useful therapy for TBI. Brain scans show that TBI alters brainwave activity. Neurofeedback helps train the brain to deal with the symptoms of TBI by bringing the brain back towards normal functioning, despite any injuries. While neurofeedback is not meant to replace the other treatments recommended by medical doctors, it is a recognized therapy for use in conjunction with other forms of treatment for TBI.
The Brain Health Clinic of Sacramento continues to experience significant success with neurofeedback therapy for TBI. Our founder, Gay Teurman, originally studied neurofeedback after using it to successfully treat her own TBI. In the past, neurofeedback sessions could only be conducted in a clinical setting, but improvements in remote technology now allow us to offer at-home therapy for neurofeedback. Recent experiences at the Harvard Medical School found that patients appreciated conducting their therapy at home, and researchers observed increased motivation and consistency for following therapy protocols.
Most importantly, researchers noted that clients using neurofeedback for TBI reported improvements in the measure of their anxiety, depression, attention, and effectiveness. While TBI often leaves a patient wondering if they will ever feel “normal” again, neurofeedback offers the opportunity to train the brain back to its former state. To find out if you would be a good candidate for neurofeedback treatment, contact the Brain Health Clinic for a free consultation.