How a Brain Map is Like a GPS

A smartphone displaying a digital map with a glowing location pin hovering above the screen. The background is blurred with warm city lights, creating a futuristic and high-tech feel.

A GPS is extremely valuable when we are driving to someplace new or unfamiliar. The same technology can also be helpful when we are driving somewhere we have visited before. We may know the route very well, but there can be many options to get from one place to the other. Conditions along the roadways change, based on accidents, traffic, and construction. Sometimes, the route we often use would take the greatest amount of time to arrive at our destination. The GPS provides us with information so that we can choose the best route for our circumstances.

A brain map, or qEEG (short for Quantitative ElectroEncephaloGraph), is like a GPS for our neurotherapy providers at Sacramento’s Brain Health Clinic. When we study your brain activity before beginning the therapy, we can choose the best route to wellness. With our decades of experience in neurofeedback, we are certainly capable of proceeding down therapy pathways that have worked for similar patients before. For each individual client, however, the best course of therapy is going to be slightly different. The qEEG helps us plot those differences ahead of time.

What Happens at a Brain Mapping Session?

We have written extensively about the benefits of brain mapping and how the process of making a brain map works. Here are some links to pages and articles on our website that will provide you with more information:

If you would like more information about our neurofeedback offerings and the value of making a brain map before, at the halfway point, and at the end of your neurotherapy process, contact us by phone or online for more information. We will answer your questions and help you see the value of taking the most direct approach to making your brain feel brilliant!

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