Explaining Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine

The Brain Health Clinic wants all of our clients to experience optimal brain and body health. To accomplish this, we offer neurofeedback, biofeedback, psychotherapy and infrared light therapy. In addition, we also examine aspects of the patient’s lifestyle, habits, diet and nutrition that could be affecting brain performance. To decide what course of treatment will provide the maximum effect to meet your individual needs, our staff members apply the principles of functional medicine.

What is Functional Medicine?

The ultimate goal of any medical or therapeutic treatment is to resolve or prevent disease and disorder. We often hear about the inefficiency of just treating patient symptoms, without investigating the cause of those symptoms. Using the principles of functional medicine, our staff works together to diagnose what is causing your unwanted condition. For any condition, it may be that there are multiple causes. For example, depression may have a physiological cause in addition to, or even without, a psychological basis. Pre-diabetics often demonstrate symptoms of depression, as do patients with low thyroid or nutrient imbalances. Faced with a physical cause, and not a mental source of the depression, our therapists can recommend an effective course of action in conjunction with a patient’s medical professional.

On the other hand, some clients present with multiple conditions, yet all of them may be the result of a single cause. Inflammation, for example, is connected to heart disease, arthritis and depression. A patient with all three of these problems may be able to address them by dealing with the primary cause — curing their inflammation. The Brain Health Clinic enjoys helping patients discover the key to better health, wellness, and mental functioning by determining the root causes that prevent them from feeling better.

Basis for Functional Medicine

Functional medicine developed out of research into the human genome that rapidly expanded our knowledge of how DNA works and how our genes affect our health. From the 1990s forward, we learned more about this field of study at an exponential pace due to the assistance provided by computers and computerized DNA analysis. Therefore, two critical subjects for a better understanding of why functional medicine works as a starting point for solving health problems requires a knowledge of genomics and epigenetics.

Both of these fields of study are broad since DNA affects all aspects of organisms both animal and human. But discoveries in these areas are constantly improving our understanding of how our bodies work, how the environment affects our health, and how we can use our understanding of DNA and RNA to create life-saving therapies. As a result, we will look at the concepts of genomics and epigenetics in future blog articles. The Brain Health Clinic wants our Sacramento clients to understand the strong research underlying the important principles of functional medicine.

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