Neurotherapy, Psychotherapy and More All Qualify
The first day of the year is a great day for holders of a Flexible Spending Account (or FSA). On that day, the account is reloaded with funds and a certain amount of the leftover monies from the previous year are rolled into the new year. That carryover is only about 20% of the total, however, so FSAs are a “use it or lose it” proposition. Therefore, it’s important to plan out just how you intend to use your new FSA funds throughout the year. The Brain Health Clinic of Sacramento reminds you that an FSA can pay for improvements to your mental health and well-being.
Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy with an FSA
Both neurofeedback and psychotherapy are most effective when the patient engages in a series of regular therapy sessions. An FSA helps our clients make the commitment to the visits that they need by providing the necessary funds upfront. Scheduling your sessions now can help you reach your goal of improved mental health.
Infrared Therapy and FSAs
The Brain Health Clinic specializes in the improvement of brain function after traumatic head injuries. Alongside reduced mental acuity, many who experience such injuries in vehicular accidents or falls also suffer from lingering damage and pain in muscular tissues. Therefore, the Brain Health Clinic also offers infrared and photonic stimulation therapy. Both methods are useful for easing the side effects of tissue damage from a variety of causes, including sports injuries. Contact us to discuss if a series of therapy sessions, paid for from your FSA, could help you with your injury symptoms.
Brainspotting and EMDR
Brainspotting and EMDR are therapies specifically developed to help clients with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Depending on the therapy that is best for you, six to ten sessions are required to generate significant improvement in mental health. EMDR is recommended by the Department of Veteran Affairs for PTSD treatment. Brainspotting is a similar form of therapy that is more effective for treating some patients. Your FSA can help you afford the sessions that you need to improve your mental functioning.
For more information about how you can use your FSA at the Brain Health Clinic, contact us for a free consultation.