Remote Neurofeedback

What if the best way for you to receive neurofeedback therapy is not at our Brain Health Clinic, but right in the comfort of your own home? This is now possible using the telehealth capabilities of remote brain training technology. All you need is a connection to the Internet and a remote neurofeedback unit (provided by the Brain Health Clinic) to connect with our in-house brainwave analysis tools.

Why Neurotherapy from Home?

It’s not just shelter-in-place orders that might keep people at home. For some, illness, disabilities or distance prevent their regular travel to the Brain Health Clinic. For others, it’s a matter of scheduling. And many just prefer the comfortable environment that their home provides.

Plus, with the telehealth neurotherapy system used by the Brain Health Clinic you get to use your own computer to provide the feedback portion of the brain analysis and training. For example, inside the Brain Health Clinic, you may watch images or movies that we make available to prompt the brain responses that direct your feedback stimuli. Although we have a large collection of images and films to choose from, each of us has our own video preferences and now those are often available on our own computers. With remote neurofeedback, you choose what’s playing on your computer while your brain is experiencing the training session. From cat videos to your favorite streaming service, whatever you choose to see forms the basis of your feedback display.

If you would like more information about using remote neurofeedback from your home, contact the Brain Health Clinic of Sacramento for more information. You can call us at 916-662-7740 or write us via our online request form to schedule a consultation.
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