Remote Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy via Telemedicine

The viral pandemic forced society into a new understanding of the possibilities offered by teleconferencing via the Internet. The Gallup organization states that over 60% of U.S. employees worked from home to meet the nation’s many “shelter in place” requirements. For some, the thought of leaving home seemed too risky during a pandemic. For others, deep-seated psychological issues always make leaving the comfort and security of home a difficult and frightening proposition. What is to be done, if psychotherapy and psychiatric care are important parts of a therapeutic regimen?

Remote forms of psychotherapy via telemedicine can lead to a lifestyle that offers our clients a greater sense of control and safety in the outside world, whether a patient’s concerns are based on biological, physical, or psychological issues. For these reasons and others, the Brain Health Clinic now offers remote psychotherapy via confidential video teleconferencing.

In many cases, the important relationship between patient and therapist is best maintained via personal contact. For some individuals, however, significant progress can be made or maintained through distance therapy sessions. As an example, a busy professional who often travels may not have the ability to visit the Brain Health Clinic on a regular basis, but they might have valuable downtime when away from the additional responsibilities of the office and the home. Telemedicine via video conferencing can play a critical role in maintaining therapeutic gains that might otherwise be lost.

Improvements in teleconferencing technology, both in terms of reliability, security and quality, allow the Brain Health Clinic to offer this telehealth service with confidence. When specific requirements are met, the patient is guaranteed complete privacy with telemedicine, the same as with an in-office visit. If you would like to explore the possibilities offered by remote psychotherapy, please contact the Brain Health Clinic of Sacramento for more information.
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