
An attractive older, female patient wearing glasses and a light blue shirt sits, hands clasped and smiling looking at her laptop screen during an appointment with our Neurofeedback Therapist. She wears a light blue button up shirt. She is sitting at a desk. Behind her are white, brick walls, a bright and airy window and a eucalyptus plant in the corner.
29 Aug: Remote Neurofeedback is Effective

Neurofeedback is supported as an effective therapy for many different psychiatric complications by multiple studies across various disciplines. However, some patients find it a challenge to regularly visit our office in person. For these patients, remote neurofeedback therapy is proving highly effective and convenient!

22 Aug: ADHD Therapy at the Brain Health Clinic

With many children and adults returning to school, ADHD begins to become a hot topic. If you or a loved one suffers from ADHD, we can help! With the combined use of lifestyle coaching and neurofeedback, we are seeing phenomenal results with improved focus.

fMRI with multiple views of the brain during a scan
29 Feb: Functional MRI and Neurofeedback

New studies are using fMRI not just to demonstrate changes in brain activity but also to direct neurofeedback therapy for patients. This is evidence of how therapy from Brain Health Clinic has the potential to improve the lives of our clients.

Illustration of complex neuronal network neurons and synapses in brain.
26 Feb: Evidence for Neurofeedback

Scientific studies of neurofeedback inconclusively proves that neurofeedback it is highly effective for treating specific types of brain disorders. Here we take a look at the evidence.

AUD - Alcohol Use Disorder
13 Dec: Alcohol Use Disorder and the Pandemic

Alcohol Use Disorder increased during the pandemic. It may be five to six years before drinking trends go back to normal, but for some people the change is permanent and deadly. How can you recognize the signs of AUD? Where can you look for assistance to overcome this disorder? Find out here.

Findings Appointment
31 Oct: Personalized Neurofeedback Diagnostic Reporting

After collecting a significant amount of information about the mental health and brain functioning of our clients, we gather the material for a findings report. This helps us to develop personalized recommendations and answer all of your questions about the plan for therapy.

Brain Map
30 Oct: Brain Mapping for Directed Therapy

The qEEG or brain map is a vital diagnostic tool for the neurofeedback therapist. Without it, the therapist and the patient must employ a “best guess” process. Here are 4 things to know about brain mapping.

FREE Diagnostic Testing for New Patients (Reg. $200)